Wow, I get it now!
I was raised in a single parent home. My mother was a very strong and pride filled woman. She don't allow anything or anyone, especially men, walk over her. As her daughter she gave me that same since of pride. I am woman, hear me roar!!!! Every relationship I held out at arms length waiting for them to leave. I knew I could handle whatever life dishes out to me on my own. My mom did it for 17 years with six kids I got less and I will triumph over anyone who gets in my way. I disrespected all authority. As I reflect over this insight, I realize though we had a defenseful, pride riding example of woman, my brothers had nothing. There was no dad, grandpa, uncle or even fake uncle to teach them how to be a man. When I look at my brothers lives I can see the struggle to maintain life's basic necessities due to no model of the behavior.